House valuation Brisbane

invoice email but they can walk in here they can see they’re influenced again they can see that they owe three ninety five still if they need a copy of their receipt you know that you print this right here for them or they can go to payments and then it sees it says on here that they’ve made a payment via a check for a thousand dollars they could use that as their receipt as well they use their account

statement as a receipt so it’s it’s very nice House valuation Brisbane I like I said I love the client side of it okay guys we’re back at the home screen now for the the company side of the page and so since that that faked invoice I just made has still has balance of $ you can see right here that total outstanding invoices from to days old so I can I can see which which accounts are getting old how much money is due in to me so another part of fresh books that I’m really excited to start utilizing is the reports feature you know you had you know force basic categories you every regular bookkeeping invoice timesheets and other reports but the one I’m really focusing on

I’m really going to work harder build my invoices around in is the individual item sales because at the end of the year I really would like to go back and look at you know our schools for and say hey look I’m plotting sold well for schools Tech’s live did extremely well so maybe now you had to buy that second system so we can sort you know offering text lines of multiple schools one day versus only having one available and kind of give a good scope of you know where your company has you know strived in throughout the year once your company

wasn’t doing it wasn’t selling too much out baby could focus on more marketing attention to that but give you a general idea I mean you could look at the reports say look you know I really want to get in battery powered up lights you know there are billions I could use it for but was the one where the sales they after to so I can pull the item sales and